Jumat, 21 Maret 2014

Posted on 05.03 by Unknown

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Posted on 04.55 by Unknown

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Posted on 04.51 by Unknown

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Posted on 04.48 by Unknown

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`Assalamualaikum Wr.Wb.
The Honorable the juries,Ladies and gentleman, and my beloved friends,Good Morning
First of all Let’s thank to Allah, because Allah gives us health, mercy, heppines, welfare, and anything. So we can attend and gether here to celebrate the “Hero’s day”.
            The audience whom I respect in this good opportunity, I would like to deliver my speech about “The struggle in Globalisation Era”, as we know that nowdays we live in Modern or Globalisation Era. We can enjoy everything easly, not like our anchentors, they lived in sufferings.
            Because they lived in poverty, and everyday they used to work hard to colony. Some struggle did all ways to make Indonesia freed from colony, and it wasn’t easy. They faced it for more 350 years.
            And Finally in 17th of August 1945, Indonesia got its freedom, but actually era after freedom is the real struggle for us as Indonesian.Especially the youg generation we have Big Question, “What we have to do to full independence In our country”, as young generation we have to make our country.
But recently we watch on television, listen to the radio, read in the newspaper, that many teenager are involved in crime action like consuming drugs, fighting and many more.  We have to be sad about it, because actually we have to make our beloved country or Indonesia be famous country because of its friendly people, its technology, innovation, its wealth of natural resource.
But in the fact what happens ? ,
There are many crime actions, corruption, and many bad attitudes which are done by young generation. So now I invite all young generation here and of course my self to correct our self to be good generation to our country in order to it can competite with othwr developed country. If we do it, we are the real of struggle in this era for our country
The audience whom I respect I think my speech is enough, I hope it can usefull for us. I’m so sorry if I have many mistake because nobody is perfect people in the world, thanks you so much.
Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb

Posted on 03.49 by Unknown

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The honorable juries, ladies and gentleman, and all my beloved friends. Good morning all…..
First pf all, Let’s thanks to Allah, because Allah give us Health, mercy, welfare, and everything. So we can attend and gather here to celebrate the anniversary of Senior High One Klaten.
Ladies and getleman
In this good opportunity, I’d like to deliver my speech about “English in Junior High School”
Ladies and gentleman
As we know that nowdays we live in modern or globalization era, so we can enjoy everything easy, but without English we can’t  enjoy everything in this world easly, so English is very important for our live, for our self. For example if we open the internet, we can’t know about something in the internet well, without English. Because as we know that English is international language, so everything in this world use English. But until now, most of  Indonesian especially young generation in Indonesia  don’t  care about English, they just enjoy their live now, but they don’t want face their future
Maybe, nowdays they live in happiness. But without English, What will they do in their future? Right now..
Ladies and gentleman
If we still think that English isn’t important for us. What will we do in our future? What are you in your future? Maybe without English, we just to be official employee, street vendor, or beggar or maybe we haven’t job. Because nowdays, we live in globalization era, so if we want get good job, we can’t get it without English. So now, I invite all of the young generation here, and of course my self to know “What is the important of english for our future?” right now
For all the young  generation here
Do you think, without English you can do everything easly?
Do you still think that English isn’t important for you? Right now. If you say No, it means that you care about your self, you care about your future. But if you say Yes, please think again…
Ladies and gentleman
Maybe, we just say that English is important for us, but we don’t know “Where is the important of English?”. Because if we don’t know the important of English, it hasn’t a purpose. So what is the purpose of English? I’ll give you some simple answer
1.       As we know, that English is important language, so if we’ll go to abroad, it’s no problem because we can speak English
2.       If we go to some place, and in usual there is announcement, and the announcement use English, so we can know what is the meaning of that announcement
It’s some simple answer from me.
Ladies and gentleman
Until now, we have studied English more than 9 years. Until now in junior high school we have studied English, but what happen with us? Do you know about English? NO
Maybe until now, we just to be a master in 2 word that is Yes and No, but we can’t answer all of the question in English with say Yes or No. And maybe we jus to be a master  in 1 sentence that is I LOVE YOU. It’s very disgraceful for us, that have studied English more than 9 years, but we just know about Yes, no, and I love you. And it’s happen in junior high scool, because sometimes we find student that don’t know and don’t want to know about english
Ladies and gentleman
According to me, something that maka it happen is the English method in Indonesia, including inj junior high school. Because teacher just give us formula in English, and it make the student don’t know about English well, I have big question. If our teacher always give us formula, when they teach us. What is the difference between English and Physic? It make the student don’t know about English well.
Ladies and gentleman
So now, the teacher must change the education’s methode. The students have to learn more practical than teory, because it can make the student know about English well. I’m sure by this way the student in Indonesia, especially in junior high school will know about English, and if they know about English it can increase the quality of Indonesian. Because by English we can know about everything, about new technology, knowledge, information from developed country, and it can make Indonesia to be developed country
Ladies and gentleman
From this speech we can conclude and get 3 points :
1.       If we want to be a success person in the future, we’ll get it easly by English
2.       Although we have studied English for very long time, but if the methode is not good, we can’y to be a master in English
3.       By English we can make Indonesia be better than before and make Indonesia to be developed country
Ladies and gentleman
I think my speech is enough, I hope it can be usefull for us. I’m so sory if I have many mistakes, because no body is perfect in this world.
Thank you so much and Study hard for the bright indoneasian future !!!!!!!!!!!

Posted on 03.48 by Unknown

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